Upset that your paycheck isn’t quite the size you’d like it to be? Ready to blame your company, the economy, Obama? Turns out you need to look a lot closer to home: in the mirror, specifically. A new study from indicates that your personality, specifically how driven and results-oriented you are, has a significant impact on your earning potential. Granted, this shouldn’t be world-shattering news to you. But it’s useful for understanding how our specific personality types map out against the demands of work. The study at CareerAssessmentSite uses the famed Myers-Briggs Personality Test, which divides everyone into one of 16 personality types based on introversion/extroversion, rationality/emotion, and so forth. If you don’t already know your type, you can learn more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator here. Here’s how the United States as a whole breaks down along Myers-Briggs lines: