You can tell a lot about a person based on the type of bars they frequent and the fabric of a bar is influenced by its customers. I know what you’re wondering… “Bars have fabric?” But just hear me out.
Have you ever went to a bar and realized it wasn’t your type of crowd? It may have been too uptight, too laid back, snobbish, not snobbish enough or something about the place just didn’t fit the groove you were looking for. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then I think you will appreciate what I have to say.
Whether you are looking for a bar for conducting a business meeting, finishing the night or maybe morning with a drink, here is a guide to Jackson’s area bars that are apart of the ultimate Savvy lifestyle.
The Specialty Beer Drinker’s Bar
This is where can you look to enjoy the Blue Moon on a Lazy Magnolia day. Better yet, where can you think about a day in Sierra Nevada while playing with your Turbo Dog. If you understood any of that, then The Bulldog is your kind of bar. Great does not begin to describe the selection of draft and bottles you can get at The Bulldog. Armed with an arsenal beer and good food, The Bulldog is the bar for beer drinkers. Grab your Harp, Woodchuck and Flying Dog so you and your friends can enjoy yourself at The Bulldog.
The Bulldog
6111 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211
Let’s Meet and Conduct Business Bar
Business wheeling and dealing is a never-ending process. So, why not make it a pleasurable experience. Of course, a lot of business deals happen on the golf course, but what they don’t tell you is they also happen in bars. The King Edward Bar at the Hilton Garden Inn is a great place to conduct a business meeting. Located in Downtown Jackson, what better place to talk business, than in the midst of economic development. While you are discussing revenue generation, business expansion, mergers and acquisition, the ambience of what progress looks like permeates throughout the area. Not to mention, with a full menu, solid selection of wine and spirits and a small but great selection of beers on tap, the King Edward Bar really sets the table for both a successful business development session and good time.
King Edward Bar
235 W. Capitol St
Jackson, MS 39201
The Getting The Night Started Bar
You’ve spent the day contemplating what you are going to do, but still come up blank. You and your friends have decided to meet at a bar and go from there. In choosing a spot, there are a couple things you should consider: a neutral location that is easily accessible, food/menu choice just in case you forgot dinner and an atmosphere that will get that brain flowing with party ideas. What better place to get all of that and then some than the Pi(e) Lounge. Pi(e) Lounge is the perfect “get the night started place.” You can access all parts of the city, grab a bite to eat and be infused with a need to think, literally. In an environment that encourages creativity with its clever uses of the mathematical equation, Pi(e) Lounge is a great place to get your night going.
I’m Not Quite Ready For The Night To End Bar
You’ve partied all night, but not quite ready to go home. In your partying exploits you have picked up a few friends along the way and want to make one last impression. Sounds like the perfect situation for the Locker Room. The Locker Room has a full bar and kitchen. This is the type of bar that will re-open if they see customers coming, looking for that last bit of fun before the old sandman comes calling. If you go to the Locker Room expecting a posh spread, you will definitely be disappointed. But what can you expect is a fun-entertaining staff, a few more opportunities to get that last dance and food to help tame the dreaded hangover that tomorrow is sure to bring.
Locker Room Sports Lounge
205 W Capitol St
Jackson, MS
The Regular
You can’t start talking about the best bars without starting with the best regular bar. You know the bar where everyone knows your name. Drum roll please! The best regular bar is the bar that serves good drinks, good food and is the closest to your house. Yes, folks. There is no certain science in choosing the best bar to make it your regular hangout. That bar could be Julep, Last Call, Martin’s, Ole Tavern or any franchise with a bar. Just remember a good regular bar is just like a potential spouse; it doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be perfect for you.
Written by: Corey Wiggins