There is nothing like the TIMING OF THE LORD! Often times, we get aggravated and frustrated when it seems as if things aren’t moving when we think they should move, but the truth is they are moving, yet they are moving in the timing of the Lord.
God sees our hearts, hears our prayers and knows our desires, but God also releases what we crave in his TIMING. God doesn’t exist in time, yet He operates in it.
Just like Lazarus was dead for three days before God showed up to resurrect him. Surely God, in His sovereign power, could have raised him on day one and I am sure that the family would have preferred an early resurrection or no death at all, but he raised him in His timing. Many of us have desires to relocate, change jobs or get a promotion, get married or even meet our life partner, buy the perfect home or vehicle or simply live the perfect life, but I have learned to submit to the timing of the Lord.
Have you ever thought, maybe God is protecting you from something?
For example, your desire may be to meet your man or woman now, but maybe God knows they haven’t been processed. Or maybe you want to relocate, but God knows that where you want to go would be detrimental for your life because there are some traps awaiting you.
These are just some thoughts for the new year, but I do know that the Word of God states, “He makes everything beautiful in his timing.” And Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “to everything there is a time and season.”
I have learned two valuable lessons in life. One, submit my plans and desires to the TIMING OF GOD. And secondly, like Apostle Paul, I have learned “to be content, whether abase or abound.” Contentment doesn’t mean satisfied, but it teaches how to enjoy where we are and to wait on the perfect timing of the Lord.
Be blessed and happy New Year!
Written by Robbie Cade. Robbie is a youth pastor, praise & worship leader, and an entrepreneur. Connect with her on Facebook.